Fresh Cheese and Dairy Products
As the pioneer Farmhouse Mozzarella cheese producer in Srilanka, we produce around 3-4 metric tons of cheese per month along with other Dairy products. We started in Giriulla in 2005 as a micro enterprise and later in 2008 converted into a partnership and finally established a limited liability company in 2013. We established our new cheese production plant unit at Jaela in 2016, which holds HAC, HACCP, and ISO22000 certifications.
Get to know our innovations
With the collaboration of the National Science Federation, we developed a new whey protein which was introduced to the market as a sports drink.
We introduced a new variety of cheese by the name of “American Cheese” to the Sri Lankan Market.
We introduced “Club Cheddar Cheese” to the Sri Lankan market.

To become the most innovative and acceptable cheese producer in Sri Lanka

Highly awarded products
We’ve achieved our goal of producing
cheese and other dairy products that are recognized for their quality and standard.
Excellence in Entreprenuership
2018 SAARC Chamber Women Entrepreneur Council
Best Enterprise Award
Medium Category-National Enterprise Development Authority/National Chamber of Commerce
Gold Category
Best women Enterprise Award
Best Enterprise Silver Award-
National Agri Business Council
First Runner up-
BID International Business proposal Competition Netherland
Best Start up Micro Enterprise-
Federation of chambers of Commerce& Industry